The birth of the shipyard Intermare dates back to the late 1800s, when Maria Luisa di Borbone, Duchess of Lucca, ordered to complete the works of the Darsena Toscana and of Via Coppino in Viareggio. Since 1873, the year of completion of the works, the marine industry started to expand also in that area and Intermare played a leading role in the Viareggio nautical history up to nowadays.
Intermare joined the Group in the early 90s, and represents now the source of pride of the metallic carpentry division of the Group.
The long story and tradition that characterizes the shipyard Intermare allowed the specialization of labour and the transmission of traditions until nowadays and is able to offer highly specialized metallic carpentry works, skilled and qualified personnel, focused interventions, versatility and precision in the most complex and highest quality manufacturing.